If you’ve been involved in Network Marketing for a while, you have most likely heard the phrase “Your business will grow when YOU grow.” And, it’s a very true statement!
You must build belief to be successful and belief is the area people struggle with most. The lack of belief either in themselves, network marketing as a profession, or their company/products, is what stops many people in their tracks. Sometimes they quit before they even get started!
It’s what holds us back from making one more phone call when that person we were SURE would be interested tells us no, when your new distributor doesn’t do anything, or when a team member drops out of your business.
Here are a couple of simple ideas for you to begin a personal growth journey and also expand it to your team.
- Make it a goal to read a book each month on personal growth or network marketing (preferably with success stories included). Challenge your team to read it, too – even start a group book discussion on a team call, team Facebook page, or at the local coffee shop.
- Turn your car into a traveling university with audio CDs that inspire you to greater belief in network marketing and in yourself.
- Attend events and bring your team. Maximize what you learn there by doing a live or virtual teaching afterward for people who could not attend. Teaching to others will build your own belief and confidence, and you’ll be helping others grow at the same time.
These three simple steps are a great start to your journey to success through personal growth. Pick one and start right now!
Be the Star that you Are!
To your success,
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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